Dynamic Delta Designers

Team information

Riva Kramer
Bachelor Wageningen university and research

Eva De Boer LinkedIn
Bachelor Wageningen University and Research

Jasper Kirpensteijn
Bachelor Wageningen University & Research

Sophie Righolt LinkedIn
Bachelor Wageningen University & Research

Floor Wiegerinck LinkedIn
Bachelor Wageningen University & Research

Félix Sens LinkedIn
Bachelor Wageningen University and Research

Abel Nijsink LinkedIn
Bachelor wageningen university and research

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About the team

We are seven students in the third year of our bachelors in Landscape Architecture. We are looking forward to working together on changing the world for the better.

Our vision for nature-positive future for Bangladesh

In our vision for the future, Bangladesh will thrive. 2120. A vision where we navigate through the challenges of food security, nature & biodiversity, water management, energy & transport and finally, socio-economic equality. The country aims to secure enough food and clean water for everyone, as well as incorporating measures that will keep the country safe from seasonal floods and salinization. We also envision diverse and healthy ecosystems, along with eco-friendly agriculture. For example: mangrove forest buffer zones will provide coastal protection, an healthy ecosystem for different species and climate robustness in the area. Other theme’s that will be addressed are for example Room for the river, promotion of waterway transport and energy solutions. Social inclusivity, where everyone has equal opportunities, is a key part of this vision. In essence, our dream for Bangladesh involves growth, environmental well-being, and fairness for all.

Our choices for a specific region

Our vision for Bangladesh in 2120 has enormous potential, highlighting the importance of water, ecology, agriculture and social equality. We want to further develop the district of Barisal. This is the division where all the problems come together and cause a poor standard of living. Nevertheless we see possibilities in this region, possibilities that hopefully determine how mangrove forests and climate-resilient crops can effectively resist flooding and salinization in the region. As Well as possibilities to further develop the Barisal area. This focused approach will cause the living conditions in Barisal to improve, but it also protects the nearby districts. Our vision for Bangladesh in 2120 will focus on the Barisal District. It will not only promote a better living environment inside the district, but also benefits the overall well-being of the surrounding areas.

Our vision for Bangladesh

Our transition path

Our vision for a specific region

Social media pitch